
Does The Handpan Need Saving?

How copyright lawsuits are threatening a beloved hipster instrument

For the past two decades, sounds of steel have enchanted town squares and subway stations all over the world. Mysterious, melancholy, meditative, and unfailingly fascinating.

Passers-by turn their heads to locate the source of these uncommon sounds. They linger, savor the sweet melodies, and perhaps donate to the busker fortunate enough to have access to such a pleasant sounding instrument. Their day brightened, the spectators move on.

That instrument has been called many things over the years, with names such as pantam, Hang, and handpan being the most commonly used.

This is not to the liking of the people who first came up with the idea, shape, material, and sound of the instrument. They are the ones who thought of the name Hang, and they feel that their creation has been stolen from them.

Meditative though their sounds may be, conflict is brewing amongst the makers of these instruments.