
To Kill Putin’s War, Destroy Your Nuclear Arsenal

How many nukes do you need, really?

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I mean, America can lose 5,000 of its 5,550 nukes and still have plenty left over to destroy the world.

But never mind that. Think about the message this sends.

It communicates that you can be powerful without overwhelming nuclear capabilities. It also calls Putin’s repeated nuclear bluffs.

If successful, it tells the world it’s possible to de-escalate a tense situation between nuclear powers.

Most of all, it turns the world’s attention squarely on Russia’s increasingly desperate war, and not in a good way.

The timing is right, too. Like China and India, countries that have so far been neutral are becoming increasingly critical of Putin’s nuclear rhetoric. Such a unilateral step on the part of the US might just push them into tacit opposition of his war.

When that happens, Russia stands more or less alone in its aggressive stance towards Ukraine.

A High Risk Gambit

It’s a high risk strategy, as it is uncertain how the Russian regime will react to increased global pressure, in addition to its already failing conventional war.

Will Putin back down? Can he even back down? Can the regime maintain its composure as the walls collapse around it?

Recent actions, regime rhetoric, and approved media opinions emanating from Moscow indicate a resounding “no” to these questions.

The intuitive thing to do would be to continue to escalate, in hopes of deterring the regime from trying anything stupid, like detonating a nuclear device.

Yet sometimes a counterintuitive option is preferable. Especially when the results of climbing the ladder of nuclear escalation are too inevitable to contemplate.

Mr Biden, tear down those nukes!


Is de NL drugsgebruiker verantwoordelijk?

Als je harddrugs gebruikt, financier je zware criminaliteit en liquidaties.

Ferd Grapperhaus, Minister van Justitie (VVD) 2018

Drugsgebruikers houden met hun gedrag criminaliteit in stand.

Joël Voordewind, Kamerlid CU 2019

Geweldsontsporingen in de Nederlandse onderwereld. De maatschappij vraagt zich af wie hiervoor verantwoordelijk is. Het wordt tijd dat de politiek de hand in eigen boezem steekt.

Het Nederlandse probleem met drugs en geweld is van eigen makelij

Drugsgebruik is van alle tijden. Mensen hebben de neiging om hun geestelijke gesteldheid zo nu en dan te veranderen. Daaraan kunnen meerdere motivaties ten grondslag liggen, van vluchten tot vieren. Het is niet aan mij om deze motivaties bloot te leggen of te beoordelen. Ik signaleer vooral een robuust fenomeen, dat maar beperkt vatbaar is voor overheidsingrijpen.


Einde aan de coronatoegangsbewijzen

De oorspronkelijke coronavaccinatie had naast persoonlijke bescherming vooral ook tot doel om de sociale volksgezondheid te dienen. De boostervaccinatie wordt expliciet door de rijksoverheid aangeraden “want kort na vaccinatie heeft u een hele hoge hoeveelheid antistoffen in uw lichaam”.

Oftewel, het gaat bij de boostervaccinatie vooral om persoonlijke bescherming.


Does The Handpan Need Saving?

How copyright lawsuits are threatening a beloved hipster instrument

For the past two decades, sounds of steel have enchanted town squares and subway stations all over the world. Mysterious, melancholy, meditative, and unfailingly fascinating.

Passers-by turn their heads to locate the source of these uncommon sounds. They linger, savor the sweet melodies, and perhaps donate to the busker fortunate enough to have access to such a pleasant sounding instrument. Their day brightened, the spectators move on.

That instrument has been called many things over the years, with names such as pantam, Hang, and handpan being the most commonly used.

This is not to the liking of the people who first came up with the idea, shape, material, and sound of the instrument. They are the ones who thought of the name Hang, and they feel that their creation has been stolen from them.

Meditative though their sounds may be, conflict is brewing amongst the makers of these instruments.